Thursday, August 02, 2007 - Disaster aid, and where it ends, is never simple - Disaster aid, and where it ends, is never simple: "Disaster aid, and where it ends, is never simple
Article Last Updated: 08/01/2007 09:26:08 PM CDT

Most people support government aid to victims of natural disasters like Hurricane Katrina or the San Francisco earthquake. Most people don't think such aid is warranted when hail knocks out windows or trees fall on a few roofs. Drawing the line between these two extremes isn't easy.

Aiding those who suffer from disasters is a common function of government that goes back to the dawn of civilization. Spreading the risks of everyday life over a large group was one of the primary social functions of a tribe or clan. If you were part of the group, you knew that you or your family would get help when something bad happened."

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