Wednesday, September 14, 2005

NBC15 | Diverting Donation Dollars

NBC15 | Diverting Donation Dollars: "Diverting Donation Dollars
Diverting Donation Dollars
Updated: 6:28 AM Sep 14, 2005
Natalie Swaby

With fundraisers, benefits, and telethons, the donations keep climbing.
In about two weeks time nearly $740 million in pledges are aiding hurricane relief efforts. Many are opening up their wallets, but some other charities are feeling left out.

'We had planned for 200 people to be here tonight, and we are at about 25,' says Dannelle Gay, motioning to several empty chairs in Madison's Westgate Mall. It is not the turnout Tupperware Bingo organizers expected. They were hoping to raise more money for breast cancer research."

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